Indeed, while millions visit Florence in awe of its beauty, history and artistic heritage, Tropical Animals welcomes locals and visitors alike, operating with the same class but only looks forward. Even in a decade, generations shift and fashion changes.
In response, Tropical Animals rarely sits still. What never changes in the focus on music as the lifeblood, the vision of founder and resident, Ricardo Baez, whose childhood at the fringe of music and fashion has led to a life dedicated to pleasure, creativity and community.
Reflecting a decade of alternative dance music culture, the list of DJs passing through the smoke at Tropical Animals is diverse and expansive, perhaps best characterised only by its commitment to quality.
Selectors such as Bradley Zero, Pender Street Steppers and Rahaan have provided a taste of their own musical communities, adapting easily to Tropical Animals’ collective spirit. Legends and innovators like Kevin Saunderson, Marshall Jefferson and Chez Damier have soundtracked evenings with a touch of pure timelessness. Caribou, Soichi Terada and Azari & III have each performed classic albums live, while the impressions of early appearances by Jayda G, Avalon Emerson and Mall Grab remain firmly imprinted in memories of otherwise hazy nights. And they in turn remember the atmosphere, the hospitality, the architecture and the aperitifs.